DECEMBER 9, 2022

Islamabad Tax Bar Association Islamabad


Islamabad Tax Bar Association Islamabad

Islamabad Tax Bar Association has been registered under “The Societies Act, 1860” with the office of Learned Registrar Cooperative Societies ICT, Islamabad. The Islamabad Bar Association is established to promote and encourage a friendly feeling,   co-operation and unanimity among the persons practicing as Advocates, Chartered Accountants, Accountants and Tax Practitioners before the Tax Authorities at any place in Pakistan and abroad. Islamabad Tax Bar Association also aimed for promotion and diffusion of knowledge relating to law and taxation, to make necessary arrangement for the members of the Association for the promotion of education as well as their professional skills in the field of law and taxation. The Association is also established with objects to watch and protect the general interests of the Tax Payers in Pakistan and to promote awareness in respect of Tax Laws, Rules, Regulations and General Tax related affairs. An important objection of Association is to obtain such rights and privileges for the members of the Association as may be deemed fit to protect and advance them to fulfill their professional obligations. 


Phone No. 051-2355061


Office No. 7, 2nd Floor, AKLASC Plaza, G-10 Markaz, Islamabad


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